Being on foot in the wilderness is something incredibly special that truly does allow for one to become engulfed by nature. One of the main aspects of being on foot is that it allows you the opportunity to look at all of the smaller organisms that make up the bigger picture and this is something crucial when it comes to understanding how our environment works.
Our walking trails allow for this exact experience to take place. Of course, the smaller aspects are important and often are the most impressive factors but one can’t forget about the thrill of seeing the larger game species whilst being on foot. We are fortunate enough that Selati Game Reserve offers a diverse range of species that include the big 5 as well as the specials, cheetah and wild dog. With our specialised trails guides that have been in the industry for many years, they are able to track by sight as well as track by use of telemetry. Both are these methods become extremely exciting!
Tracking has always been seen as an art rather than a skill and it truly is something amazing to witness how our guides are able to read their surroundings in the bush, not only by looking at the physical track on the ground but also taking note of the various signs left out and about. Seeing that fresh rhino scrape on the ground or smelling that ever so familiar smell of a leopard’s scent mark, these become the aspects that are put together to ensure a successful track. It becomes an epic experience when everyone gets a chance up front to put their skills to the test that have been learnt during the various days of the trails experience.
Our field camp offers a great sense of “glamping” as you as the guest are only required to carry a day pack that includes your personal items such as binoculars and water for the day. The rest of your equipment and luggage is taken to the next mobile camp that will be changing on a daily basis, this means that you can have your comforts whilst enjoying the wilderness. The fact that the camp is a mobile camp, this allows for one to experience the different terrain and get to the various areas of the reserve offering some of the most incredible views of the Blyder River Canyon and the surrounding Drakensberg.
The length of the trails will be determined by the guests and as to what type of experience the guests are looking for, is it one of tracking big game or that of taking note of the surrounding fauna and flora.
Our camp hands are from the local communities and have some exceptional stories to be told about their upbringing in the area as well as their unique beliefs being part of the Shangaan tribe. Their smiles are contagious and they will also ensure that you are kept comfortable and have the best possible experience. They ensure that you are able to have a beautifully set up tent at the end of a day’s walking as well as a hot shower. One can’t help but sit around a fire at night with little to no light pollution that allows for some unbelievable views of the stars whilst sipping on a beverage of your choice.
This is truly a magical experience to be had and it really is like no other. Come and join us for an epic adventure that you are sure to never forget.